At New Victoria Hospital, our renowned Gastroenterologists offer a range of cutting-edge treatments for conditions of the oesophagus, stomach, small bowel, duodenum, colon, liver, gallbladder and pancreas. Working as part of a multidisciplinary team, our Gastroenterology Consultants ensure every patient who undergoes diagnostic investigation or private Gastroenterology surgery at New Victoria Hospital enjoys a world-class standard of care. Whether you are suffering from acid reflux, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or Ulcerative Colitis, we will make sure you receive the expert treatment you need to treat the condition.

What is Gastroenterology?

Gastroenterology is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of conditions affecting the body’s digestive system (the stomach and intestines). Being an exceptionally intricate part of the body, digestive system issues can often be hard to pinpoint.

In a healthy digestive system, food will first pass down the oesophagus (gullet) into the stomach. Then, after being broken down by the stomach’s acid, it will move into the small intestine (the first part of which is the duodenum). It is there that enzymes from the pancreas and gallbladder break down and digest the food, which is then absorbed into the body via the small and large intestines or excreted.

Any problems with the digestive system can make it difficult for an individual to digest food properly, leading to a number of uncomfortable side effects. It is therefore important to seek advice if you have had a recent change in bowel habit or have been passing blood with your motions, particularly if you are over 40 years of age. This is especially true for individuals with these symptoms who also have a family history of bowel cancer or inflammatory bowel disease (ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease).

Gastroenterology at New Victoria Hospital

Gastroenterology at New Victoria Hospital

At New Victoria Hospital our highly-experienced Gastroenterologists are on hand to treat a range of conditions that affect the oesophagus, stomach, small bowel, duodenum, colon, liver, gallbladder and pancreas. With the support of a specialist diagnostic team, they will use the latest technology and innovative surgical techniques to help correct any issues an individual may be suffering with their digestive system.

Among the diagnostic services we offer are:

  • Colonoscopy - A flexible telescope is used to look at the inside of your large bowel (colon).
  • Flexible Sigmoidoscopy - A flexible telescope is used to look at the inside of the left, lower part of your colon.
  • Endoscopy - A long, thin, flexible tube called an endoscope that has a light source and a video is used to examine changes in the large intestine and rectum.
  • Upper GI Endoscopy (Gastroscopy) - A long, thin, flexible tube called an endoscope that has a light source and a video is used to look inside the oesophagus (gullet), stomach, and first part of the small intestine (duodenum).
  • Acid Reflux Testing - During a routine gastroscopy, Wireless pH Monitoring is offered in order to obtain more accurate objective information regarding acidity levels in the oesophagus.
  • Wireless Video Capsule Endoscopy – A small camera the size of a pill is swallowed and travels through the gut recording a video which is wirelessly transmitted to a recorder. The video is then downloaded and read by an experienced Consultant endoscopist to diagnose any intestinal disease.

Conditions we treat

As the digestive system is such a complex part of the body that requires the involvement of a number of different organs, there are a wide range of problems that can occur.

Common Gastroenterological conditions we treat include:

  • Gastrointestinal bleeding
  • Gastrointestinal cancer
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) - e.g Crohn’s disease (inflammation of the lining of the digestive system), ulcerative colitis (inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the rectum and colon)
  • Jaundice – a condition where the skin yellows due to an accumulation of bilirubin the blood and tissues
  • Diverticulitis - inflammation of the diverticula (small pouches) in the intestine
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Hepatitis
  • Gallbladder and gallstone disease

Whether you are undergoing diagnostic testing or Gastroenterology surgery, throughout your stay at New Victoria Hospital our multidisciplinary team of surgeons and nurses will give you the support, advice and guidance you need for quick and long-lasting recovery.

JAG Accreditation

New Victoria Hospital has been awarded JAG accreditation by the Royal College of Physicians, offering our patients full confidence in the high quality and safety standards of our Endoscopy services.

If you would like to receive more information about the Private Gastroenterology Service at New Victoria Hospital, please call us on 020 8949 9020 or fill out our online form. Our dedicated Outpatient Team will work to find you an appointment with a Gastroenterologist at a convenient time on the earliest possible date.

Consultants and Clinic Times

Professor David Rawat

MB BAO.BCh. LRCP&SI (Ireland), MRCPCH (Ireland), MSc. Clinical Paediatrics (University College London)
Gastroenterology, Paediatrics
Profile and clinic times
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