
Under the Health and Social Care Act 2008, (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 and the Care Quality Commission (Registration) Regulations 2009, Regulation 12, it is a requirement that all health and social care providers produce a Statement of Purpose, in relation to the hospital’s regulated activities.

Hospital Details

New Victoria Hospital is a registered charity and is registered with the CQC (Provider ID: 1-101727633).

Contact details:

Address: 184, Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG.
Telephone: 020 8949 9000
Email: (For service of notices and other correspondence)

Registered Manager

The registered manager for the purpose of the Act is Mrs Carol Elizabeth Horsey, who is a Registered Nurse and holds the position of Director of Clinical Services.

Contact details:

Address: 184, Coombe Lane West, Kingston upon Thames, KT2 7EG
Telephone: 020 8949 9008

Aims and Objectives

New Victoria Hospital aims to provide first class independent acute healthcare to the local community in Kingston upon Thames and the surrounding areas. The objective and commitment of the Hospital is to provide safe, effective services across all of the regulated activities, to the highest of standards, in clean, comfortable and well-maintained surroundings.

The needs and wishes of patients remain a priority at all times. It is a fundamental objective of the Hospital that patients are treated with compassion, respect and dignity and consideration of their individual needs are central to all service delivery.

Through the utilisation of a professional, well trained, effective and motivated workforce the Hospital aims to move forward within a culture of continuous improvement and an environment that supports both corporate and clinical governance.

Additionally, New Victoria Hospital has BUPA Approval for the following services: Breast Cancer Unit, Colorectal Cancer Unit, MRI Unit and Full Cataract Pathway.

Regulated Activities

The Hospital is registered with the Care Quality Commission to provide the following regulated activities:

Treatment of disease, disorder or injury

Outpatient services are provided for patients of all age ranges; day case and overnight inpatient care is provided for patients aged 16 years and above.

An extensive range of treatment options and support services are provided; i.e. Imaging, including interventional radiological procedures; Pre-operative Assessment; Physiotherapy; Pharmacy, Pathology, Dietetics and private GPs. Clinical and Medical Oncology services are not provided.

Surgical procedures

A range of surgical procedures, within a variety of clinical specialities, are provided to both adults and children 3 years and over. However, children under 16 years of age are not admitted for overnight care.

Only minor surgical procedures, under local anaesthetic, are carried out in the Outpatient Department.  An extensive range of surgical procedures, minor to complex major, are carried out on a day case/inpatient basis and performed under regional block, sedation, local, spinal or general anaesthesia.  Children aged 3 – 15 years inclusive undergo day case procedures only.  Cardiac surgery, major neurosurgery and termination of pregnancy are not carried out.

Diagnostic and screening procedures

This service provision is available to both adults and children. A wide range of Imaging, including MRI, CT, Ultrasound, Cardiac Diagnostics and Prenatal Diagnostics and Endoscopic procedures are provided in both outpatient and daycare settings.

Maternity and midwifery

A Fetal Medicine Clinic provides a full range of prenatal diagnostic procedures and scans, performed by a Consultant in Fetal Medicine.

Family planning

This service is provided to women 16 years and over by Consultant Gynaecologists and private GPs as part of their consultation/treatment/surgical options and may involve the insertion or removal of intra-uterine devices. There is no designated family planning clinic.

Departmental Provision To Support The Regulated Activities

Outpatient Department

The department comprises 12 consulting rooms, which are rented to consultants for the purpose of carrying out their practice; three treatment rooms and a phlebotomy room.  Consultants, across most medical and surgical specialities, use these facilities to see their patients for consultation and advice and in some cases to provide minor treatment. 

The department is fully equipped and staffed from 08:00 – 20:00 each weekday and 08:00 – 16:30 each Saturday. 

Within the department the Hospital operates the following additional services:

  • Breast Clinics which endeavour to provide a consultation with a breast surgeon, mammography and/or ultrasound examination and if possible, a diagnosis within two hours.
  • A private GP service which offers general health appointments; Well Man and Well Women health screens; medical assessments; travel clinics including vaccinations; cervical smears; sexual health and fertility screens; menopause and HRT guidance; diabetes/asthma reviews; and smoking cessation. The GPs also offer an elective domiciliary service on request.

A range of nurse-led services are available within the department including phlebotomy, allergy patch testing and pre-operative assessment.

Imaging Department

This department is adjacent to the Outpatient Department and provides imaging services for GP and self-referred patients (Mammography only), outpatients and inpatients – both adult and paediatric.  The facilities include Digital fluoroscopy, Mammography, Ultrasound, CT scanning, MRI and Cardiac Diagnostics as well as general imaging.  A mobile imaging machine is available for use in the inpatient rooms and operating theatre, along with an Image Intensifier for use in theatre. The department is staffed from 08:00 – 20:00 each weekday and 08:00- 16:00 each Saturday. Outside these hours an on-call service is provided for inpatients.

All Radiographers are Senior 1 level and maintain their high standard of practice with regular CPD.  All images are reported on by Consultant Radiologists and reports relayed to the referring clinician within 48 hours.  A range of interventional radiological procedures are performed in the department by Consultant Radiologists.

Physiotherapy Department

The Physiotherapy Department comprises four treatment rooms and a gymnasium and provides both an outpatient service within the department and inpatient services to the wards, which includes an on-call provision out of hours.  Outpatient opening times are 08:00 – 20:00 Monday to Thursday, 08:00 – 18:00 Friday and 09:00 – 13:00 on Saturday. Patients can self-refer to the department but the majority of referrals are by Consultants and local GP's. 

General physiotherapy and specialised treatment sessions are available in back/neck pain, muscle/joint problems, women's health (obstetrics/gynaecology), incontinence, acupuncture, headaches, hand therapy and sports injuries.

Treatment is evidenced based with a very 'hands on' manual therapy approach with relevant electrotherapy, if required.  The department has a visiting neurological physiotherapy service which utilises the gymnasium three days a week.  All Physiotherapists are Senior Chartered Physiotherapists and maintain their high standard of practice with regular CPD.

Pharmacy Department

The department offers both an outpatient and inpatient service and is open from 08:30 – 20:00 each weekday and 08:30 – 16:00 each Saturday.  A full range of advice, information and pharmacological treatment options are provided. An out of hours on-call service is provided for inpatients.

Qualified Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians, who are all registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council, staff the department.  The staff maintain their high standard of practice with regular CPD.

Pathology Department

The pathology service is outsourced and all samples are sent to one of two accredited laboratory services, locally and in London. The Hospital has a contract with Kingston Hospital to provide transfusion services and histopathology.      

Operating Department

The Hospital has three operating theatres all of which have ultra-clean laminar flow systems for implant surgery.  These are supported by fully equipped anaesthetic rooms and a six-bed recovery room.

The procedures undertaken, range from minor to complex majors in surgical specialities as mentioned before. All procedures are carried out by Consultant Surgeons, supported by a range of anaesthetic options provided by Consultant Anaesthetists.

The professional personnel working within the Operating Department are either qualified Registered Nurses or Registered Operating Department Practitioners. These are supported by an assisted theatre practitioner, four theatre porters, theatre admin staff and TSSU staff.

A wide range of sterile single-use items is stored in the department as well as sterile reusable instruments which are processed off-site at a fully compliant decontamination unit, which is within close proximity to the Hospital.

The Endoscopy Suite is situated within the Operating Department close to the Day Unit, with its own processing rooms complete with endo-washers and drying cabinets. All scopes and machines are regularly maintained and serviced by the manufactures. Weekly water samples taken from the endo-washers are analysed externally to ensure that the Hospital meets CFPP requirements.

Patients are admitted to and recovered in the Day Unit adjacent to the Endoscopy Suite. The majority of endoscopies are carried out using some form of sedation administered by the operating Consultant Clinician, supported by a fully trained endoscopy team. The suite is now also equipped to undertake endoscopy patients requiring a general anaesthetic provided by a Consultant Anaesthetist.

Procedures carried out in the Endoscopy Suite include; gastroscopy, duodenoscopy, colonoscopy, cystoscopy and see and treat hysteroscopy.


The Hospital has two wards: Alexandra Ward and the Charles Hutton Day Unit.

Alexandra Ward comprises 19 single bedrooms with en-suite bath/shower and toilet facilities, accommodating both inpatient and day-case patients.  Each room is equipped with piped oxygen, nurse call system, including assist and cardiac arrest calls, direct dial telephones, three levels of lighting, satellite television, Wi-Fi and secure facilities for valuables.

The Charles Hutton Day Unit comprises 14 bays with shared bath/shower and toilet facilities, accommodating day-case patients.  Each bay is equipped with piped oxygen, nurse call system, including assist and cardiac arrest calls, Wi-Fi, iPads and valuables storage.

Nursing staff on the wards are fully trained and qualified to care for patients compassionately, in a multi-speciality environment. Robust Clinical Governance processes underpin their practice which is monitored, reviewed and evaluated on an ongoing basis.

Nursing staff are required to deliver high-quality care to patients, within a prescribed model, to ensure standardised practice with an emphasis on assessing the patient’s individual needs and wishes. Best practice guidelines, professional body recommendations and regulatory requirements underpin the prescribed care and support the patient’s care pathway. 

Pre-registration nursing/midwifery students are seconded to the Hospital where they are supervised and supported in their learning needs. 

Nursing staff are trained to deal with medical emergency situations; however, it is the policy of the Hospital to transfer patients, once stabilised, to a dedicated critical care unit, if CCL2 or CCL3 is required. Formal transfer arrangements are in place for both adult and paediatric patients.

Staff are trained in all available equipment, which is maintained, serviced and calibrated on a regular basis. 

The Victoria Foundation
NJR accreditation Quality Data Provider for New Victoria Hospital
JAG accreditation
Freedom to Speak Up scheme
Doctify Gold standard badge awarded to New Victoria Hospital in 2024
Care Quality Commission Good Rating
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