The prostate gland sits around the water pipe as it leaves the bladder and, when it enlarges, it may block the flow of urine. TURP involves telescopic removal of the obstructing, central part of the prostate with diathermy (electric current), creating a wide channel to allow urine to flow more easily.
The TURP operation will help you to pass urine more easily but will not improve your chance of prostate cancer survival.
TURP is the most commonly performed operation to improve urine flow and most men get good relief of their symptoms.
TURP For Prostate Cancer Patient Leaflet (click to view). This leaflet link contains evidence-based information about the proposed urological procedure of TURP. The British Association of Urological Surgeons (BAUS) has consulted specialist surgeons during its preparation, so that it represents best practice in UK urology. You should use it in addition to any advice already given to you.
For more information on TURP for Prostate Cancer at New Victoria Hospital, please fill out a contact form or call us on 020 8949 9020
Consultants and Clinic Times

Mr Hamid Abboudi
Men's Health, Urology

Ms Eleni Anastasiadis

Miss Rashmi Singh