Oral and maxillofacial surgery includes surgery affecting the teeth, mouth, jaws, face and neck. The speciality is unique and requires dual qualification in medicine and dentistry in addition to the general and specialist surgical training.
Oral & Maxillofacial surgical procedures include:
- Surgical removal of wisdom teeth, buried roots and other teeth
- Exposure or removal of buried canine teeth
- Root-canal surgery (apicectomy)
- Surgical removal of jaw cysts and tumours
- Treatment for mouth ulcers, sore mouth and facial pain
- Salivary gland surgery
- Surgery for facial injuries such as broken jaws and cheek bones
- Treatment of temporamandibular (the joint between the skull and lower jaw bone) joint disease
- Surgery to correct dental and facial deformity
- Facial aesthetic surgery
Consultants and Clinic Times

Mr Graham Smith