New Victoria Hospital has been appointed by NHS England and the GNDRSS as an official UK healthcare facility to provide surgical gender affirmation procedures for patients who are on a female to male transitioning pathway.
A condition characterised by strong and persistent cross-gender identification and a continued discomfort with one’s own sex, Gender Dysphoria can cause an individual to experience feelings of distress as they feel trapped inside a body that does not match their gender identity. Gender Dysphoria treatments are therefore aimed at reducing or removing these upsetting feelings of a mismatch between biological sex and gender identity.
While treatments vary from person to person, for some, surgical interventions of the chest and genitals are undertaken to change their body permanently. At New Victoria Hospital we offer such surgical procedures for individuals in the final stage of their Female To Male (FTM) pathway.
Consultants and Clinic Times

Mr Wai Gin (Don) Lee
Andrology, Gender Dysphoria, Urology
Professor David Ralph
Andrology, Gender Dysphoria, Urology