A Foot and Ankle Osteotomy is a surgical procedure performed to reshape bones in the foot and ankle region. The purpose of this operation is to realign deformed or injured bones that are causing pain, discomfort and limiting the mobility of a patient.
At New Victoria Hospital, our highly experienced Orthopaedic surgeons specialise in carrying out private Foot and Ankle Osteotomy surgery. From initial diagnosis, to surgical intervention, to aftercare, our dedicated team will ensure you enjoy the highest standard of care to give you the best chance of a swift and long-lasting recovery.
When is a Foot and Ankle Osteotomy Required?
A Foot and Ankle Osteotomy is an operation to reshape or realign a bone that is causing a patient intense pain, discomfort and reducing mobility. Deformed bones in this area are either genetic or sustained from an injury.
Most commonly, this surgery is offered as a solution for patients suffering with:
- Bunions (it may also be called a bunionectomy or hallux valgus correction surgery)
- Hammertoe
- Flat foot
- Ankle and foot deformities
If you are suffering from any of these conditions, or have a visible disability in your foot or ankle that is causing pain, discomfort and affecting your mobility, we would recommend you speak to one of our foot and ankle specialists. They will perform the necessary tests and scans to see if you’re eligible for a Foot and Ankle Osteotomy.

What Does a Foot and Ankle Osteotomy Operation Involve?
To begin with, the surgeon in charge of the osteotomy may ask to take some blood tests and scans of the affected area to assess your condition before operating. This can differ from patient to patient. Once prepped for surgery, you will be put under a general anaesthetic.
The Foot and Ankle Osteotomy procedure begins with a small surgical incision being made on in the skin around the affected area. This could include your toe, ankle, foot, heel, etc. Excess skin, tissue and bone (keeping important nerves and blood vessels intact) will be cut away as the surgeon reaches the deformed bone which needs to be operated on.
This bone will be cut and realigned to the correct position, then held in place using specific medical screws, pins or staples depending on the severity of the bone condition. Once this
stage is complete, the incision will be closed up and dressed to avoid infection. You may need to be plaster in some situations or use post-operative sandals.

Risks and Complications Associated a Foot and Ankle Osteotomy
As with any surgery, there are risks and the chance of complications. However, a Foot and Ankle Osteotomy is considered a low-risk procedure. While they differ from patient to patient, side effects that have been recorded in a small number of cases include:
- Swelling
- Bleeding
- Stiffness in the toes, foot or ankle
- Nerve damage leading to a loss of sensation in the operated area
- Blood clots
- A change in the appearance of the foot and ankle
- Infection

Recovery and Aftercare
Recovery time is dependent on who the patient is and the scale of the initial problem. For example, age and fitness level; and a patient receiving a bunionectomy could see a quicker recovery time than someone receiving a foot and ankle osteotomy for an ankle deformity.
Following surgery, most patients will often be able to return home on the day of the operation and an overnight stay may occasionally be required. Your Orthopaedic Consultant will inform you after the surgery if you are required to stay longer for monitoring.
As part of your treatment, your Consultant will create a bespoke aftercare plan that incorporates the most appropriate pain management and wound care. They will also book in your follow-up appointments to assess the healing process and your rehabilitation.
You will be asked to rest for 2 weeks following the operation, reducing the weight placed on the operated area. Loose and flat footwear is recommended during this period. It can take up to 3-6 months after the surgery before you can return to exercising.

Foot and Ankle Osteotomy Procedures At New Victoria Hospital
At New Victoria Hospital, our leading Orthopaedic Consultants are highly-experienced in diagnosing and treating a wide range of foot and ankle conditions which may necessitate a Foot and Ankle Osteotomy. During your stay with us, our Foot and Ankle Consultants will ensure all aspects of your health are considered and that you receive the highest standard of care throughout your treatment journey. We aim to keep patients informed throughout their treatment process to alleviate any worries and concerns.

If you would like to receive more information on our Foot and Ankle Osteotomy procedures here at New Victoria Hospital, please contact us on 020 8949 9020 or book an appointment. Our team of specialists will be in touch to discuss the next steps.