Breast Awareness

Breast lumps are very common and most women will experience one or more at some time in their lives. The vast majority (at least nine out of ten) are benign i.e. not cancerous.

Early Detection

Early detection of breast cancer is vital as it increases the chance of successful treatment.

Women are therefore encouraged to be ‘breast aware’. Breast awareness means knowing how your breasts look and feel and the normal changes that occur at different times of your menstrual cycle. Visit your doctor if you feel a lump, or if one of your breasts changes shape or becomes constantly painful. There is no need to examine yourself to a strict routine, but it is sensible to look at and feel your breasts from time to time. It would probably be sensible to do this while taking a shower or bathing or when standing in front of a mirror.

What to look for

Even though most lumps are not cancerous, if you find a lump in your breast or notice any of the following changes you should arrange to see your GP or a Breast Specialist at New Victoria Hospital, as soon as possible.

  • Change in size of your breasts (after puberty is complete)
  • Dimpling or in-drawing of the skin (skin looks like the texture of orange peel)
  • Lumpiness or thickening
  • Newly inverted nipple
  • Bloodstained discharge from the nipple
  • A rash, often eczema-like, on the nipple or surrounding area
  • Swelling or lump in the armpit

New Victoria Hospital is a BUPA Accredited Breast Care Centre and as such, rigorously audited for quality.

The Magseed® Marker and Magtrace® Tracer

At New Victoria Hospital we now offer two cutting-edge treatment intervention tests to identify the presence of Breast Cancer in a patient.

The Magseed® Marker is a tiny magnetic seed that enables specialists to identify the location of the cancer within the breast if it cannot be felt. It makes cancer localisation easier and more precise during surgical removal.

The Magtrace® Lymphatic Tracer is a liquid tracer containing iron filings used specifically to localise the dominant draining axillary lymph nodes called sentinel lymph nodes. Designed to mimic the same path as an invading cancer cell, this non-radioactive tracer allows the Breast surgeon to determine whether the cancer has spread.

One-Stop Breast Clinic at New Victoria Hospital

At New Victoria Hospital, our One-Stop Breast Clinics provide a thorough and accurate breast screening diagnosis. Using the gold standard triple assessment method, patients receive a precise breast screening diagnosis for any symptomatic presentations. Imaging results are usually shared with patients during their same-day appointment and any pathology results are available within 48-72 hours.

Triple assessment includes:

  • Clinical breast examination
  • Mammogram, ultrasound, or both
  • Fine needle aspiration or needle core biopsy if appropriate

Additional Investigations:

  • Tomosynthesis may be advised following a mammogram and has been shown to reduce false positives and improve accuracy, especially with women who have denser breast tissue. If required, tomosynthesis will be performed during the One Stop Clinic.
  • Stereotactic or vacuum biopsies are procedural biopsies that may be indicated for areas of concern when a fine needle aspiration or needle core biopsy is not suitable for diagnosis. Stereotactic or vacuum biopsies, due to being prolonged procedures, are not available on the same day and will be offered to you as a follow-up appointment.


Diagnostic techniques and methods vary according to age, sex and clinical presentation.

One-Stop Breast Screening Clinics run weekdays.

If you would like to receive more information on a Breast Screening appointment at our One Stop Breast Clinic, please call us on 020 8949 9020 or:

Make a booking

Breast Clinical Nurse Specialists

Angela Hawkins

Angela is one of the highly experienced Breast Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialists at New Victoria Hospital. She brings 18 years of expertise in Gynaecology and Breast Cancer care to her role.

Having trained at St Bartholomew's Hospital in London, she has achieved a long career in cancer nursing in clinical, strategic and management roles, both for the NHS and the private sector.

Angela's role in the cancer pathway is to provide support and expert guidance at diagnosis, during treatment, and throughout the ongoing management of patients with cancer.

Angela is passionate that patients who are diagnosed with cancer receive the best treatment and care.

"As a Breast Cancer Clinical Nurse Specialist, I support women in navigating their entire cancer journey. Sometimes I inspire them, but more often they inspire me".

Angela Hawkins

Helen Davies

Having been a qualified nurse for over 13 years, working in a variety of oncology roles, Helen is an expert in oncology nursing. She has pursued a career in oncology through a passion for continuing professional development. She is determined to deliver patient care that is based on latest evidence and research.

Helen is passionate about patient focused care, and believes strongly in providing support to help patients develop autonomy and control following their diagnosis and throughout their cancer pathway.

"A cancer diagnosis can feel like a life-changing shock. My role as a clinical nurse specialist is to support people to re-build their lives around their new reality, in a way that gives them hope and the best possible quality of life".

Helen Davies, our Breast Cancer Clinical Nurse

Consultants and Clinic Times

Mr Mohsen El Gammal

FRCS Ed , FEBFRCS Ed , FEBS Breast Surgery
Breast Surgery, Oncoplastic Breast Surgery, Plastic Surgery
Profile and clinic times

Mr Georgios Exarchos

Breast Surgery, Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
Profile and clinic times

Miss Sarah Tang

MBBS, MD(Res), MA(Cantab), MS(Oncoplastics), FRCS, FHEA
Breast Surgery, Oncoplastic Breast Surgery
Profile and clinic times
The Victoria Foundation
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