We are pleased to announce that New Victoria Hospital’s Outpatient Department has now re-opened for face-to-face consultations for all specialities. Remote video consultations also remain available if preferred and where examinations and tests are not required.

The safety of our patients, doctors and staff is our number one priority, and never more so than at this time of the Coronavirus pandemic. Following guidance from the Department of Health and Public Health England, the Hospital has put in place extensive infection prevention control measures in accordance with recent government guidelines concerning Covid-19. These measures include:

  • Screening all patients, visitors, staff and doctors, to ensure ‘Covid Safety’ on arrival
  • Adherence to Public Health England, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) guidelines, to help limit the spread of Covid-19
  • Increased cleaning regimes, and the use of different cleaning products during this time
  • Social Distancing measures will be implemented wherever possible including reception desk screens, floor markings and less seating
  • New patient flow and processes for all Outpatients and Inpatients

What To Expect On Booking Your Outpatient Appointment

Please read the following regarding the Hospital’s current process for Outpatient appointments.  

  • Please do not attend the Hospital if you have any of the Coronavirus symptoms (temperature above 37.5, new and continuous cough, shortness of breath, loss or change of taste or smell)
  • You will receive a telephone screening call the day before your appointment to further check on any symptoms you may have.
  • Please attend your appointment alone, unless you are a child or dependent on a carer
  • Please only arrive 10 minutes prior to your appointment, you may be requested to wait outside or in your car should the ‘socially distanced’ waiting area be full
  • We kindly request that you attend the ‘COVID Temperature Checking Station’ on arrival. This station is located at the Front Entrance of the Hospital
  • Should you display any Coronavirus symptoms, you will not be allowed to attend your appointment, and will be asked to return home and follow the latest Government guidance on self-isolation. When you are well, we will be happy to rebook your appointment
  • On being deemed ‘Covid Safe’, you will be provided with a coloured wrist band which you must wear for the duration of your visit to the Hospital
  • You will be offered a facemask to wear during your visit, should you wish to, but it is not obligatory to do so
  • On entry to the Hospital, please kindly make use of the hand sanitisers or hand washing station
  • We have implemented social distancing measures to limit the spread of Covid-19

We kindly ask that you respectfully observe these measures as much as possible throughout your visit.

Additional Services Currently Accessible At New Victoria Hospital

In addition to face-to-face and remote video consultations, we continue to provide the following services:

  • Nurse-led outpatient procedures including dressings, sutures, wound inspections and phlebotomy
  • Imaging & Diagnostics including MRI / CT / X-Ray / Mammography/ Cardiac Diagnostics
  • Physiotherapy (remote consultations only)
  • Vaccinations


To book an appointment or for any questions regarding New Victoria Hospital’s Covid-19 safety procedures at this time, please call us on 020 8949 9020 or:

Book an appointment

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