Climate change represents a major threat to human health, the continuity of patient care, and the quality of care.
Healthcare systems account for over 4% of global CO₂ emissions, which is considerably higher than other sectors.
New Victoria Hospital is committed to reducing the environmental impact of our daily operations and embracing change as a healthcare provider serving our South West London and Surrey communities.
Carbon Footprint Reduction Pledge
Our commitment to carbon reduction:
- We will invest more in low-energy LED lights & energy-saving projects.
- We encourage our team members to walk, cycle or share a car to commute to work.
- We will be reviewing all our consumables and avoid using disposable items wherever possible.
- We will reduce our waste volume by tackling our key waste streams and improving segregation and recycling rates.
- We will increase plant-based menu options for our patients and staff.
- We will support our staff through advice and education. We will encourage them to take practical steps to reduce their carbon footprint during their daily activities at work and at home.
Commitment to Achieving Net Zero
The New Victoria Hospital Limited is committed to achieving Net Zero emissions by 2050.
Baseline Emissions Footprint
Baseline emissions are a record of the greenhouse gases that have been produced in the past and were produced prior to the introduction of any strategies to reduce emissions. Baseline emissions are the reference point against which emissions reduction can be measured.
Baseline Year | 2022/23 |
Additional Details relating to the Baseline Emissions calculations | The below emissions have been calculated using a methodology in line with the GHG protocol. Some estimates have been used. This is due to limited data availability, as this is the first year that Scope 3 emissions have been calculated in keeping with the requirements for Carbon Reduction Plans. In future years a priority will be given to improve data quality and accuracy. |
EMISSIONS | TOTAL (tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent) |
Scope 1 | 359 tCO₂e |
Scope 2 | 122 tCO₂e |
Scope 3 - Total | 248 tCO₂e |
Scope 3 Cat - 4 Upstream Transportation and Distribution | 12 tCO₂e |
Scope 3 Cat - 5 Waste generated in Operations | 2 tCO₂e |
Scope 3 Cat - 6 Business Travel | 1 tCO₂e |
Scope 3 Cat - 7 Employee Commuting | 233 tCO₂e |
Scope 3 Cat - 9 Downstream Transport and Distribution | Not applicable. Downstream transport and Distribution is classified by the GHG Protocol as “emissions that occur in the reporting year from transportation and distribution of sold products in vehicles and facilities not owned or controlled by the reporting company”. The New Victoria Hospital Limited is a healthcare provider and therefore do not produce a physical product. |
Total Emissions | 729 tCO₂e |
Emissions Reduction Targets
The targets of New Victoria Hospital are aligned with the Science Based Target initiative methodology. There are currently no plans to formally commit to a SBTi approved target in the future. Targets have been set in the short term (10 years) using an absolute contraction methodology.
The below targets are a key part of the New Victoria Hospital's journey towards net zero.
Base year 2022/23 | Target year 2032 | % SBT reduction | |
Scope 1 emissions (tCO₂e) | 359 | 178 | 50.40% |
Scope 2 emissions (tCO₂e) | 122 | 61 | 50.40% |
Scope 1+2 emissions (tCO₂e) | 481 | 239 | 50.40% |

Carbon Reduction Projects
Scope 1
75% of The New Victoria Hospital Limited's Scope 1 emissions are produced by natural gas. To reach the carbon reduction targets, a reduction in natural gas emissions is required. As the natural gas is being used to heat the building. During the year 39 windows have been replaced with new double glazing to improve insulation and ventilation as required and 5 doors have also been replaced to improve insulation.
Opportunities are being explored to further electrify heating systems; however, these require detailed feasibility assessments to assess project viability whilst considering practical implications and impacts on the clinical environment. Maintaining patient care is of the uppermost importance. Potential projects include, increased insulation, heating system efficiency measures, improved controls and new technology.
Medical Gas bottles account for 24% of Scope 1 emissions. Practices are reviewed in conjunction with the anaesthesiology team to keep medical gas bottle usage to a minimum. As part of this, Desflurane is no longer used. However, patient care is always a priority.
With respect to direct transport emissions, measures have been implemented during the year to streamline Porter duties to minimise van usage. In the coming year, there are plans to replace 2 diesel vans with electric vans, and an electric car scheme will be introduced.
Fuel for the back-up generator has been replaced by a lower emission biofuel.
Scope 2
It is recognised that the transition to renewable electricity will be an essential part of achieving the required reduction targets. The current electricity contracts are not 100% covered by renewable electricity, and this will form part of the procurement process when securing the next contract from March 2027 onwards.
A 50 kWp solar photovoltaic system was installed in 2016 with an anticipated generating capacity of 36,520 kWh per annum. This year data loggers have been installed for the solar photovoltaic system to improve the monitoring of the electricity generated and utilised on site. This year an energy management and monitoring system (Panoramic Power) has been installed to enable a greater understand of energy use patterns and efficiency project monitoring.
In the coming financial year the following projects are planned:
- All lights in theatres to be replaced with LED lights by October 2024
- Lighting upgrades in all patient rooms
- Air conditioning system replacement - all patient bedrooms and associated areas
- Improved regulation and control of air conditioning
- Energy efficient monitors
Scope 3
The majority of Scope 3 emissions are produced via employee commuting. To determine a better understanding of these emissions, an employee survey is delivered annually. New Victoria Hospital colleagues have access to a variety of low emission work transportation available through employee benefits, including a cycle to work scheme that has been introduced this year.
A range of initiatives have been introduced to reduce Scope 3 emissions and the wider impact on the environment, including but not limited to:
- Menus updated to cater for additional vegan options.
- Waste reduction through using eco-friendly waste bags and the removal of single use paper cups in the Staff Dining Room, and the introduction of composting.
- Going paperless: The HR system is now paperless, moving to EDI (electronic) billing for all main insurance providers and token systems to reduce printing, posting and stationary use. The patient administration system will be upgraded and will go paperless in the coming year.
- Re-use and recycle: Reusable blood pressure cuffs and catheters have been introduced. Initiatives to donate medical equipment to Ukraine are in place along with unwanted items, such as lost property being offered to staff or donated to charity.
New Victoria Hospital is committing to calculating their total Scope 3 emissions annually including categories that are not a requirement under this Carbon Reduction plan. Engagement with colleagues, suppliers and other key stakeholders are ongoing to increase data granularity and facilitate pathways to reduce all Scope 3 emissions.
During the coming year New Victoria Hospital is working to implement the Green Theatre Checklist; whilst a number of equivalent measures were already in place, there are plans to further align clinical and operational practices to ensure it is implemented in full.
Declaration and Sign-Off
This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and the associated guidance and reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans.
Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard ¹ and uses the appropriate Government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting ².
Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions have been reported in accordance with SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard ³.